“Meditative works that grow in meaning with each viewing.”

— Professional Artist Magazine

Welcome to my online archive of artworks and artistic pursuits. Please visit the About page for contact regarding sales, commissions, etc.

Visit the Projects section for an ongoing archive of concepts and projects.

Below are some current popular prints available for sale but please feel free to reach out about any pieces you see on the site and pieces can be produced.

Thank you for being here.



Light Study

A chromatic light study of the vibrant sunset off of Key West. Limited run available through Skyframe Art Editions. 2 sizes, framed and unframed.



Light Study

A chromatic light study of the horizon beyond the Spanish Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean. Limited run available through Skyframe Art Editions. 2 sizes, framed and unframed.


Calyx 04

A study of motion and color using abstracted natural forms. Limited run available through Skyframe Art Editions. 2 sizes, framed and unframed.


All Light — Gathering 01

A sky stack collecting light studies from many places and times. Contact me for print inquiries.


All Light — Gathering 02

The sequel. A sky stack collecting light studies from many places and times. Contact me for print inquiries.

Mornings — Gathering 01

A stack of light studies taken in the first hours, when the sky is soft and light is muted. Different locations, different years, all communing for a singular expression.


Sun River 1

Contact me for print inquiries.

Window Seat 1A

Contact me for print inquiries.

Window Seat 2A

Contact me for print inquiries.

Window Seat 3A

Contact me for print inquiries.


Agari (Rise)

Contact me for print inquiries.